java jolt newsletter

Welcome to the the Java Jolt Newsletter.  This newsletter is a bi-weekly round-up of the most interesting, thought-provoking, and important articles and news items from around the coffee industry.  Throughout the week I’ll carefully gather the green, un-roasted beans that are the articles and news items from all around the web that you may have missed.  I’ll harvest and process them into a finely curated and fresh-roasted batch of fine, smooth tasting coffee journalism aimed at aficionados and amateurs alike.  I’ll serve them fresh and hot to you once a fortnight on Fridays, either in your e-mail inbox or on the web! 

But that's not all!  Java Jolt will also keep you up to date on the latest things going on at Sustainable Java, present my pick for Coffee of the Week, and sound off on whatever I'm thinking about in Cafe Conversations.  I'll also be taking your questions on coffee (or anything else) and answering them in the forthcoming Ask the Editor section.

So what are you waiting for?   Sign-up for free and get your bi-weekly fresh roasted Java Jolt Newsletter!  (You can preview the first issue below the Sign-Up box.)

virtual newsstand

Japanese magazine rackJava Jolt Newsletter...Big in Japan

Read Java Jolt #004 - 3/27/20

Read Java Jolt #002 - 2/28/20

Read Java Jolt #001 Premiere Issue