best drip coffee makers

With so many options available for drip brewers it can be difficult to know which one to get.  What are the top quality ones?  Which one do I want for my brewing needs?  How much money will I need to shell out to get a really good one?  We'll answer these questions and more in our Coffee Maker Buying Guide below!  There are quality options for just about any budget.  Let's get to it!  (This page will be continually updated as new models become available, so bookmark it and check back.)

for the connoisseur who only accepts the best:

Here is the one you've been looking for.  Technivorm Moccamaster.  Handmade in the Netherlands and available in several different models, this is quite possibly the best home machine on the market for the coffee enthusiast.  It is one of only a handful of drip brewers certified by the Specialty Coffee Association.  Really interesting design, superb performance, and quality craftsmanship all around.

The Breville Precision BDC450 is a unique machine due to the added bells and whistles.  It offers superb performance, as well as features like pre-programmed coffee settings, adjustable water temperature, and an optional Pour Over adapter kit. (Link on the right or below on mobile.) The adapter kit allows for adjustable bloom time and water delivery speed.

And now the one to get if price is of little concern...the Ratio Eight (left).  The Ratio Eight is perhaps the most elegant home coffee brewer on the market.  What other machine uses hand-sanded wood trim of walnut or mahogany?  What other uses die-cast aluminum, ceramic nickel, and hand-blown glass? It resembles a beautiful piece of furniture more than it does a kitchen appliance.  They are hand assembled in Portland, Oregon and built to last.  It's not just a fancy exterior either, the performance is superb.  Optimum water temperature, evenly extracted grounds, and simply to use.  The Ratio Eight emulates a manual pour over, and does a very good job of it.

Ratio also makes the Ratio Six, which is a slightly cheaper model.  It has most of the same parts under the hood, but swaps out some of the more premium materials for less expensive, yet high quality ones. A high-end machine for sure.  But, in my opinion, if you're shelling out $345 for your coffee maker, why not just save your pennies for a bit longer and go all the way for the Ratio Eight?

For a more in depth look at both machines and accessories, visit Ratio's official website.  You can buy directly from Ratio, and they list several retailers who carry their products as well.

Check out this video of the Ratio Eight in action.

Sprudge has a great article and interview with the company founder from 2015.

for the coffee enthusiast (just any machine will not do)

Topping this list is the Bonavita BV1900TS.  At $149 you won't find a better bang for your buck. Great performance, quality build, and SCA certified.  Pre-infusion mode mimics a pour over brew by pausing the water flow to allow the coffee to bloom.  I've been using a slightly earlier model almost daily for five years, and haven't had any issues with it.  The coffee comes out just as full and rich as it did when I first got it.  

Next up in this category is the Bunn BT Velocity Thermal Carafe Brewer.  Bunn is one of the most trusted names in the industry for both commercial and home brewers.  With good reason too, as their machines provide solid performance and consistency.  It has the fastest brew time of any drip maker I've used. (Around 3 min 33 sec for a full pot)  I used one of these for years without issue, and I know several people who use this model daily and love it. Bunn has always provided great customer support as well.

great performance on a budget

The Bonavita BV1901PW Metropolitan Brewer provides much of the same performance as other Bonavita models, but at a cheaper price point.  The stainless steel has been swapped out for plastic, and the thermal carafe replaced with a glass carafe.  Despite the few trade-offs, the overall quality and performance of this model remain high.  

unique finds for the coffee enthusiast who just loves gadgets

I had hoped to include the Bunn Trifecta MB in my connoisseur category, as it has always intrigued me.  But sadly it has been discontinued by Bunn.  If you want one you'll probably have to find a used one, or perhaps find a new one in some retailer's back stock.  I visited a cafe in Saugatuck, MI that offered Trifecta as a brew option, and it was a superb tasting cup. 

The Trifecta MB is a unique machine.  A home version of its larger commercial model, it features a range of customizable brewing options. The way it works is similar to a Clover brewer, with elements of a French press, drip brew or pour over.  The Trifecta uses air injection and varying steep times to brew the coffee.  The ease of use approaches that of a single cup pod brewer, just with much more control.  

I was disappointed to find out that Bunn had discontinued the Trifecta, as I would still like to get my hands on one.  But with a $549 price tag, I guess there wasn't a huge market for it.  I have provided an Amazon product link above to show what the machine looks like, but they currently do not have any in stock.  (For an even more in-depth look, check out Slashgear's review here.)

I have also included a link above to the commercial cafe model, which is still available.  (If your spouse allows you enough kitchen counter space for one of these, hold on to them and count yourself blessed!  That is, of course, assuming he/she hasn't already left you for dropping $3000 on a coffee machine.)

This is the commercial model of the Bunn Trifecta, still available on  As far as I can tell Bunn is still manufacturing this model.