coffee companies we love

The companies you'll find below all encompass all or most of the values we look for in a coffee company here at Sustainable Java.  You can shop these companies with the assurance they are doing their best to make a better world through coffee.

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Fresh Roasted Coffee, LLC - Sunbury, PA

Fresh Roasted Coffee LLC is a Pennsylvania-based roaster started in 2009. They ship fresh, roasted to order beans, as well as wholesale and green coffee. They offer a large selection of coffees from around the world. Most of their coffees are certified organic, fair trade or direct trade, or Rainforest Alliance certified. They offer Swiss Water or Royal Water processed decafs.

Stovetop Coffee Roasters - Ann Arbor, MI / Grand Rapids, MI

Stovetop Coffee Roasters have become one of my favorites in the last few years.  I was introduced to them by a couple of favorite coffee shops who serve their coffees.  205 Coffee Bar and Lemonjello's, both in Holland, MI both feature Stovetop.  Stovetop Roasters Lab & Roastery is located in Ann Arbor, MI.  (Tours and tastings available by appointment.) Stovetop Coffee Roasters Cafe is in Grand Rapids, MI.  

They offer a full range of coffee available for sale on their website, as well as subscription plans and merchandise.  A really cool thing they are doing during the pandemic are "Community Development Blends".  These are special blends sold only in 2 lbs. bags created to support their cafe partners, such as 205 and Lemonjello's.  25 percent of the proceeds from each bag sold go directly to these partners.  Check out those and more by visiting their online store here.

Yield Coffee logo and bag

Yield Coffee Roasters - Cincinnati, OH

Yield Coffee Roasters is a recent favorite after trying a few of their coffees and learning about their business practices and mission.  Try a sampler pack of their coffees and see for yourself!  (Tap here or on the image to check out our post on Yield Coffee!)

Ferris Coffee - Grand Rapids, MI

Ferris Coffee & Nut Co in Grand Rapids, Michigan roasts a great array of coffee and nuts, as well as selling chocolates and canned Nitro Cold Brew.  Some of my favorite coffees come from Ferris, and they operate one of my most favorite cafes.  Click here on on the image to read on for more!

Peace Coffee - Minneapolis, MN

Peace Coffee has been roasting great coffee in Minneapolis since 1996.  While doing it they blazed a trail for a new fair trade standard in exporting and importing coffee.  They co-founded a cooperative which is still a unique model to the coffee industry.

For all your home espresso needs!  

Larry's Coffee - Raleigh, NC

Larry's Coffee is one of the  best examples I've seen recently of a company doing everything they can to ensure that their business has a positive impact on the world around them.  Their commitment to sustainable practices goes above and beyond, as a quick glance at their website shows.  Everything from the coffee itself, to the packaging, to the facilities they work in have been carefully thought of.  Be sure to check them out!

Higher Grounds Coffee

Higher Grounds Coffee Bar & Roastery in Traverse City, MI have been roasting great coffee with a deep commitment to ethical, sustainable practices for almost 20 years.  Read on for an introduction to their story and information on how to get their coffee!

Driftaway Coffee

Driftaway Coffee is a roaster located in Brooklyn, NY, who offer a subscription box model.  There are several unique features of their company that I have not seen done this way before.  Read on to find out more!

Carabello Coffee

Carabello Coffee has been roasting for 10 years and has a vision of funding sustainable change in coffee producing nations.  Coffee & Compassion in Tandem is their motto.  They are a great example of the type of company we strive to feature here.  Be sure to check out our feature on Carabello, and then head on over to their website to try their coffee!

Equal Exchange Coffee

Equal Exchange is a company that was founded on the principle of fairly traded coffee. Their whole business from top to bottom is built around this. We featured them in a post on our blog you can read here. Be sure visit their site for a wealth of information on the Equal Exchange program, and to check out their selection of fresh roasted beans to purchase.

Hatchet Coffee - Boone, N.C.

Hatchet Coffee in Boone, North Carolina is one of my new favorite roasters.  Their beans are sourced from smaller farms,  which are always named in the product listing along with the names of the families who run them.  They've developed direct business and personal relationships with the people they buy their coffee from.  They have a wide range of single-origin and blends, all of which are packaged in bags featuring strikingly beautiful artwork.  Head on over to their website to learn more and shop their online store!

       Allegro Coffee - Denver, CO

Allegro Coffee is a subsidiary of Whole Foods Market, so it should come as no surprise that this coffee is sustainably sourced and of very high quality.  The Organic Breakfast Blend pictured here is a great place to start. stocks a full range of their coffees.  Or visit Allegro Coffee's own website for more about the company their latest offerings.

Stumptown Coffee Roasters - Portland, OR

Stumptown Coffee in Portland, OR sources their coffee direct from individual farms.  They have a team that visits each farm up to three times per year to sample the latest crop.  Stumptown has become a more nationally recognized name in recent years, several of their products now being carried in large chains like Target, Kroger, and Whole Foods.  They offer whole bean coffees and an ever-expanding line of cold brew beverages.  Click the image to the left to check out their Amazon Store.

Intelligentsia Coffee - Chicago, IL

Intelligentsia Coffee is one of the most respected companies representing the third wave coffee movement.  Founded in 1995 with a focus on quality and sustainability, they pioneered the Direct Trade model of business.  Their partnerships ensure farmers are paid above Fair Trade prices, and result in coffees you won't find anywhere else.

One of my personal favorite blends from Peet's!

Peet's Coffee - Berkeley, CA

Peet's Coffee is one of the oldest companies involved in the gourmet coffee movement.  First opening in 1966, they introduced U.S. coffee drinkers to rich, dark roasted coffee that was more robust than anything that was currently being served in cafes and diners.  Peet's offers a wide range of coffees, they have a decades long commitment to direct trade, responsible sourcing, and multiple certifications including USDA Organic, Fair Trade, and the Rainforest Alliance.  Be sure to check out their "People & Planet" line of coffees, and many more at their online shop!

Mocha Mint and Cocoa Espresso Snack Bites.  Yes, please!  These are speaking my language!  Tap the image for more.