driftaway coffee

Image provided by Driftaway Coffee

Driftaway Coffee in Brooklyn, NY offers you the chance to try several varieties of single-origin, ethically sourced coffee, shipped fresh within six hours of roasting. 

Started by a husband and wife team passionate about coffee and dedicated to perfecting every aspect of the company, Driftaway does not settle for average in anything they do. 

What really fascinated me about their business, however, is the unique ways they connect the consumer to the farmer.  

Every coffee comes with background information on the variety of beans and the growers who produce the coffee.  In addition, they have a Farmer Feedback program which enables customers to give their impressions of the coffees to the people who grow and produce them.

They have an app which customers can download to provide tasting notes and build a profile to better customize their preferences.  Then you can start to receive new coffees which match your taste profile.

Image provided by Driftaway Coffee

New coffees are available monthly, and you can choose how often you'd like shipments, and what size bags of coffee.  

Driftaway has signed on to the Transparency Pledge, a joint project between several specialty coffee companies to be completely transparent in their coffee sourcing.  (Read more about that here.)  Other companies who have signed on include Counter Culture, Seattle Coffee Works, Onyx Coffee Lab, Sweetwater Organic Coffee Co, and several others.

As of November 2019 Driftaway's packaging is plastic free and 100% compostable.  This includes even the label and adhesive on the bag.  The mailers and boxes that orders come in are compostable and recyclable as well.  They have an informative page set up detailing all of this here.

Image provided by Driftaway Coffee

This is a great way to try some new coffees and learn something about the beans and the people who produce it.  Subscription boxes such as these make great gifts for coffee lovers as well.  Buy them on Amazon below or visit Driftaway's website for even more selections.

This is the book that inspired the founding of Driftaway Coffee!